Our first-time customers continually become our long term customers time and time again, choosing us for all their security and fire protection needs.


We’re committed to protecting your facility,and to serve you with quality and value. Give us a call to schedule a free on-site consultation today, and see what our commitment to quality is all about!

We may not be related, but you’ll feel like we’re family.







We’re committed to providing you with the highest level of service, so you’ll always choose us for your electronic needs. 


For most people security and fire protection is not fun or convenient. So, we want make the process as easy and enjoyable as possible for you. 

We want to be the alarm, cameras, and access control company you turn to for all your protection needs. For the many years we’ve been in business, we have been striving to provide our clients the best quality service possible to gain their full satisfaction. And they’ve shown their appreciation by coming back to us repeatedly.


We want nothing more than to keep your business, home, family, and property safe. 



BRENT EASTMAN, President & Accounts Payable

TERRY SCHOLL, Vice-President

SHAWN JACKSON, I.T Administrator, Technician, & Accounts Receivable

CLINT EASTMAN, Installation Manager

MAC ARMBRUSTER, Service Manager


TYSON WAHLEY, Technician

Some of our customer's often wonder where the name H &R Alarms, Inc. originated from. In 1977, a husband and wife named Horace and Robbie Eastman founded this alarm company together and used the first initials from each of their names to create H &R Alarms, Inc.

Currently H & R Alarms, Inc. is now in the second generation of Eastman's, their son Brent Eastman. 

In 2015 a third generation Eastman has joined the company as a technician and looks forward to learning the family business.  
