Even if you are only securing a small number of doors an access control system is still a viable and affordable option. Truly, any facility with doors and key holders is a candidate for electronic access control. Removing the hassles keys present and the subsequent costs if you have to install new locks, not to mention zero reporting capability, all point to the benefits of electronic access control.

Keyscan systems can be found running some of the largest and most complex access control deployments. Our systems are fully LAN/WAN or Internet capable allowing nationwide and worldwide organizations to utilize our access control systems and, if desired, manage them from a central location. All Keyscan control units employ distributed processing so that in the event of a power failure or the network goes down, the access control system is fully functional with no security degradation.

With no restriction on the number of controlled doors, Keyscan systems are fully expandable so as your business or organization grows, you can continue integrating more access control units for regulating more doors or elevators. 

A Keyscan access control system can play a vital role in making your facility a more controlled, more secure environment, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months of the year.

Designed to control and monitor entry points that include doors, elevator floors, parking gates or garage doors, a Keyscan access control system puts you firmly in charge of regulating access at every system controlled entry point. As Keyscan access control systems are network compatible, they seamlessly integrate within your existing network infrastructure giving you flexible design options and allow you to incorporate any number of buildings into one consolidated entity for unrivalled system management and oversight. With a Keyscan system you have the added flexibility that if you happen to be off-site, you can remotely connect to the access control system over the Internet using one of our optional WEB Client applications.

Access control systems are about more than monitoring and controlling entry; they are an integral part of any security system and give you a convenient platform to manage your facilities. If you still secure your facilities with conventional keys and locks, consider this about keys: keys cannot track people who are accessing your building nor the time, and, when keys go missing, replacing or re-pinning locks can be extremely expensive. Keyscan access control systems solve all of these problems and many more, including:

Enforce a facility or area lock down from any PC, Keyscan reader or dedicated key switch
Integrate motion detectors, glass break sensors, door contacts, panic buttons into the Keyscan system for monitoring alarm conditions from a single interface
Call up live video in the event of an alarm when integrated with a Keyscan compatible CCTV system
Arm or disarm an intrusion panel via the access control system
Trigger a wide range of devices using Keyscan auxiliary output relays to trip such items as sirens or strobes all based on certain events/conditions
Create maps with active icons to annunciate system status, control doors, call up video, show employee photos as they pass through protected doors, and much more
Run a myriad of custom reports when you need to know who accessed what area and when
Manage and track visitors within your facilities

Determining how to secure your facility is an important decision. Creating the right mix of security features is important to ensure that your assets are protected, while not impeding day to day operations. Keyscan systems are designed with the end-user in mind. They incorporate intuitive features with easy to use software, and integration products that provide complete security for any building or facility. Whether you are a small business owner with twenty five employees, or the security director of a multi-national corporation with hundreds of locations to secure, our system design specialists can help you secure your premises with a world-class access control system.

Access control provides control over facilities that traditional keys cannot. With the ability to lock and unlock doors from virtually anywhere, or allow access only during specified times you never have to guess who is in your facility. There are thousands of possible configurations for any system and you can pick and choose features to create an access control system that is customized to your needs and solve your most demanding challenges.Type your paragraph here.

Small to Global Systems

Access control systems have evolved over the years embracing new technologies for improved performance and integrating new functions for expanded capabilities. If you currently have an access control product but find it has become obsolete, it is lacking in performance, or it has expansion limitations, Keyscan can help.

Retrofitting an existing system is often not as daunting a task as many originally anticipate. Keyscan is a non-proprietary system and in the majority of cases we can utilize the very same readers and credentials that are already installed at your facility. Furthermore, the existing wiring for your readers and electronic locking hardware can also be reused.

The ability to re-use this existing infrastructure can dramatically reduce the costs associated with upgrading your current access control system.

Retrofitting Systems


An access control system can be used for nearly any door that you want to monitor access to. Interior and exterior doors can easily be supervised with readers, contacts, and an array of locking devices to suit your needs. Keyscan systems are designed to make access control as easy as possible to implement in your facility. Whether you are designing a single door system or a complex system of hundreds doors over multiple facilities around the world, Keyscan has an access solution to fit your needs.

Keyscan’s access control panels are available in four convenient formats (1, 2, 4, or 8 readers) to make configuration as simple as possible. All Keyscan hardware and software is 100% developed in house, so every component is designed to work together to create a feature packed solution that is intuitively organized for end user’s ease of use.

Keyscan Benefits